Interface | Description |
ApplicationExitHandler | |
AttributePanel.Row | |
AttributeTablePanel.FeatureEditor | |
AttributeTablePanelListener | |
CloneableInternalFrame | |
EditTransaction.SelectionEditor | |
EditTransaction.SuccessAction | |
ErrorHandler | |
ErrorHandlerV2 | |
FeatureInfoWriter.Writer | |
GenericNames |
Use these for generic names as layer, layer A, function...
GeometryEditor.GeometryEditorOperation | |
InfoModelListener | |
InputChangedListener |
Defines Listener interface for input changed events.
InternalFrameCloseHandler | |
LayerableNamePanel |
This is implemented as an extra interface to keep legacy compatibility for
LayerNamePanel | |
LayerNamePanelListener |
Defines a listener for changes to layer selection.
LayerNamePanelProxy |
Defines a proxy for a
LayerNamePanel . |
LayerViewFrameProxy |
A party with an associated LayerViewFrame.
LayerViewPanelContext | |
LayerViewPanelListener |
Defines a Listener for Layer-view change events (For example,
a change in the cursor position or a selection).
LayerViewPanelProxy |
An object that knows how to get the current LayerViewPanel (if more than one exists,
as in the case of an MDI application.
OKCancelDialog.Validator | |
OptionsPanel | |
PopupNodeProxy |
A party with an associated PopupNode.
RecordPanelModel | |
SelectionManagerProxy |
A party with an associated
SelectionManager . |
TaskFrameProxy |
A party with an associated TaskFrame.
TreeUtil.Visitor | |
ValidatingTextField.Cleaner | |
ValidatingTextField.Validator | |
ViewportListener |
Class | Description |
AboutDialog |
Displays an About Dialog (Splash Screen).
AbstractDriverPanel |
UI for AbstractDrivers.
AbstractFeatureTextWriter | |
AbstractMultiInputDialog |
Flexible generic dialog to prompt the user typing input parameters.
AbstractSelection |
Superclass for holding a user-selected collection of
Feature items. |
ActionEventFirer |
Keeps registry of action listeners, triggers each of them on demand
with a given ActionEvent.
AnimatedClockPanel |
Implements an animated clock.
AttributePanel |
Implements an Attribute Panel.
AttributeTab |
Implements an Attribute Tab.
AttributeTablePanel |
Implements an AttributeTable panel.
AttributeTypeFilter |
Filter to select attributes or layers based on their attribute types.
BasicFileDriverPanel |
Base for UI supporting File-based Driver.
ButtonPanel | |
ColorChooserPanel |
A custom Colour Scheme Browser - custom choices based on JColorChooser.
ColorPanel |
Displays a colour.
ColumnBasedTableModel |
Provides a column based
TableModel . |
DriverDialog |
Base Driver Dialog.
DriverPanelCache |
A cache of the state of a DriverPanel.
DualPaneInputDialog |
Flexible generic dialog for prompting the user to type in several values.
DummyLayerNamePanel |
Implements a minimal LayerNamePanel in a JPanel.
EditOptionsPanel |
Implements an
OptionsPanel for Edit. |
EditTransaction |
Takes care of "rollback" (if any geometries are invalid) and undo,
for PlugIns and CursorTools that modify geometries.
EnableableToolBar |
Extends JToolBar to create an
JToolBar with
certain buttons enabled (for saving state). |
EnterWKTDialog |
Allows user to enter annotations in Well Known Text format.
ErrorDialog |
UI for Displaying an Error Dialog.
ExtensionsAboutPanel | |
FeatureInfoWriter | |
FeatureSelection |
A collection of selected
Features |
FeatureTextWriterRegistry | |
FileNamePanel | |
FirableTreeModelWrapper | |
FMEFileDriverPanel | |
FontChooser |
Based on FontChooser by Janos Szatmary.
GeometryEditor |
Geometry objects are unmodifiable; this class allows you to "modify" a Geometry
in a sense -- the modified Geometry is returned as a new Geometry.
GeometryInfoPanel | |
GeometryInfoTab | |
GMLFileDriverPanel | |
GrayableIcon | |
GUIUtil | |
GUIUtil.FileChooserWithOverwritePrompting | |
GUIUtil.Location | |
HTMLFrame |
At the bottom-left corner is an MS-Access-style record navigator for
cycling through the history of documents.
HTMLPanel | |
InfoFrame |
Provides proxied (non-spatial) views of a Layer.
InfoFrame.DetachableInternalFrameWithProxies | |
InfoModel | |
InputChangedFirer |
Registry of inputChangedListeners; method to trigger them on demand.
InternalFrameTest | |
JListTypeAheadKeyListener |
When the user types into a JList, scrolls the JList to that item.
JMLFileDriverPanel | |
LayerColorPanel | |
LayerColorPanel.FourColorPanel | |
LayerComboBox |
Stays in sync with the LayerManager.
LayerNameRenderer | |
LayerPrinter |
Renders layers as an Image, which can then be saved to a file or printed.
LayerTableModel | |
LayerTreeCellEditor |
Implements a tree cell editor for the Layer tree.
LayerTreeCellRenderer |
Implements a
TreeCellRenderer for the Layer tree. |
LayerViewFrame |
Provides the internal Frame in which Layer views are rendered.
LayerViewPanel | |
LineStringSelection |
A collection of selected
LineStrings . |
MenuNames |
First level menus names of JUMP
MultiInputDialog |
Flexible generic dialog for prompting the user to type in several values.
MultiInputDialogConsole |
Console panel for the MultiInputDialog.
MultiInputDialogInfoPanel |
Description panel to illustrate and explain a plugin throw its Dialog box
MultiRecursiveKeyListener | |
MultiTabInputDialog |
Flexible generic dialog for prompting the user to type in several values.
OKCancelApplyPanel | |
OKCancelDialog |
Hosts a custom component in a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.
OKCancelPanel | |
OneLayerAttributeTab |
Displays and stays in sync with a single Layer.
OptionsDialog | |
OptionsPanelV2 |
TODO Purpose of
PartSelection |
A collection of selected
Geometry objects (parts of larger
selections). |
PrimaryInfoFrame |
A TaskFrame can have several InfoFrames, but one PrimaryInfoFrame.
RecordPanel | |
RecursiveKeyListener |
RecursiveListener extended to watch for global function key events. |
RecursiveListener |
Listens to a component; if the component is a container,
recursively listens to all children.
SchemaPanel | |
SchemaTableModel | |
SchemaTableModel.Field | |
SelectionManager |
Provides aggregate information for selected features, parts, and linestrings.
ShortcutPluginExecuteKeyListener | |
SnapVerticesToolsOptionsPanel | |
SplashPanel | |
SplashPanelV2 | |
SplashWindow |
Based on "Java Tip 104: Make a splash with Swing" by Tony Colston
TableFrame | |
TaskFrame | |
TextFrame | |
TitledPopupMenu |
A popup menu with a title row.
ToolTipWriter |
To customize the LayerViewPanel's tooltips, call LayerViewPanel#setToolTipText.
TrackedPopupMenu | |
TransparencyPanel | |
TreeLayerNamePanel | |
TreeUtil | |
ValidatingTextField |
Prevents the user from entering invalid data.
ValidatingTextField.BlankCleaner | |
ValidatingTextField.BoundedDoubleValidator | |
ValidatingTextField.BoundedIntValidator |
Extends CompositeValidator to validat that integers is within a set of
boundary values.
ValidatingTextField.CompositeCleaner | |
ValidatingTextField.CompositeValidator |
Implements validator to check for more than one condition.
ValidatingTextField.GreaterThanOrEqualValidator |
Implements validator with a greater than or equal to threshold.
ValidatingTextField.GreaterThanValidator |
Implements validator with a greater than threshold.
ValidatingTextField.LessThanOrEqualValidator |
Implements validator with a less than or equal to threshold.
ValidatingTextField.LessThanValidator |
Implements validator with a less than threshold.
ValidatingTextField.MaxIntCleaner | |
ValidatingTextField.MinIntCleaner | |
ValidatingTextField.NumberCleaner |
Leave untouched the really good stuff and the really bad stuff, but
replace the sort-of good stuff, as it's probably just transient.
Viewport |
Controls the area on the model being viewed by a LayerViewPanel.
VTextIcon |
VTextIcon is an Icon implementation which draws a short string vertically.
WorkbenchFileFilter |
Workbench filter that filters by fileType.
WorkbenchFrame |
This class is responsible for the main window of the JUMP application.
WorkbenchToolBar |
Makes it easy to add CursorTools and PlugIns as toolbar buttons.
WorkbenchToolBar.ToolConfig | |
ZoomHistory |