AboutPlugIn |
Pops up an 'About... ' Dialog.
AbstractSaveProjectPlugIn |
Subclass this to implement a 'Save Project' plugin.
AddNewCategoryPlugIn |
AddNewFeaturesPlugIn |
AddNewLayerPlugIn |
AddWMSDemoBoxEasterEggPlugIn |
BeanShellPlugIn |
ChangeCoordinateSystemPlugIn |
Implements a PlugIn
that allows the user to change coordinate systems.
ClearSelectionPlugIn |
CloneWindowPlugIn |
CombineSelectedFeaturesPlugIn |
CopySchemaPlugIn |
Copy a Feature Schema in the clipboard.
CopySelectedLayersToWarpingVectorsPlugIn |
DeleteAllFeaturesPlugIn |
DeleteSelectedItemsPlugIn |
DisposeSelectedLayersPlugIn |
EditablePlugIn |
EditSelectedFeaturePlugIn |
ExplodeSelectedFeaturesPlugIn |
Explodes features based on a GeometryCollection into several features.
ExportImagePlugIn |
FeatureInfoPlugIn |
FeatureInstaller |
Adds a plug-in to the JUMP Workbench as a menu item.
FeatureStatisticsPlugIn |
Computes various statistics for selected layers.
FirstTaskFramePlugIn |
Opens a TaskFrame when the Workbench starts up
GenerateLogPlugIn |
InstallRendererPlugIn |
InstallStandardFeatureTextWritersPlugIn |
LayerStatisticsPlugIn |
Computes various statistics for selected layers.
MapToolTipsPlugIn |
MoveLayerablePlugIn |
MoveLayerablePlugIn.MoveLayerableDownPlugIn |
MoveLayerablePlugIn.MoveLayerableUpPlugIn |
NewTaskPlugIn |
OpenProjectPlugIn |
replaced by org.openjump.core.ui.plugin.file.OpenProjectPlugIn
OptionsPlugIn |
OutputWindowPlugIn |
PasteSchemaPlugIn |
Apply a Feature Schema to a FeatureCollection.
PersistentBlackboardPlugIn |
RedoPlugIn |
RemoveSelectedCategoriesPlugIn |
RemoveSelectedLayersPlugIn |
SaveImageAsPlugIn |
Save the view to a PNG or a JPG image file.
SaveProjectAsPlugIn |
SaveProjectPlugIn |
SelectablePlugIn |
SelectFeaturesInFencePlugIn |
ShortcutKeysPlugIn |
UndoPlugIn |
ValidateSelectedLayersPlugIn |
VerticesInFencePlugIn |
ViewAttributesPlugIn |
ViewAttributesPlugIn.ViewAttributesFrame |
ViewSchemaPlugIn |
ViewSchemaPlugIn.Attribute |
ViewSchemaPlugIn.ToNewSchema |
WKTDisplayHelper |
WKTPlugIn |
Base class for PlugIns that ask the user to enter Well-Known Text.