The latest release is OpenJUMP 2.4.0 from the 15. January 2025. Download OpenJUMP 2.4.0 here.
Feel free to search past releases in our sourceforge files section.
There are Development Snapshots available too for those who don't want to wait for the next release.
is easy ;)on.Jump.Pilot.and.OpenJUMP.Project
If you have questions or comments on the project or this website then drop us an e-mail at and let us know.
However, if you feel you want to contact the project leaders directly you can do that too:
- Edgar Soldin:
- Michaël Michaud: m.michael.michaud[-at-]
If you have a question on the use, the developement or the installation of OpenJUMP or its PlugIns, then we ask you to look in our question section.