The latest release is OpenJUMP 2.4.0 from the 15. January 2025. Download OpenJUMP 2.4.0 here.
Feel free to search past releases in our sourceforge files section.
There are Development Snapshots available too for those who don't want to wait for the next release.
...adding functionalityThe.Plug-in.System.and.Extension.Philosophy
Not every functionality that has been developed by people around the world will be included in the core. This is because a function may be only of interest for a few people. Therefore the OpenJUMP team focuses on a Extension-Strategy. That is, functionality is added to OpenJUMP by the use of OpenJUMPs plug-in system (note: an Extension can hold several PlugIns, i.e. several Functions). This plugin system works very simple for end users. One downloads the plugin (or extension) and then (often after unpacking the file) drops the *.jar file into your OpenJUMP lib/ext/ folder. After re-starting OpenJUMP the functions should be available.
several types of plugins have been developed so far:- plugins to read from other data formats and databases
- two print plugins
- a set of functions for quality checks
- a set of functions for chart visualization and one to create histograms
- GIS analysis plugins
- Raster Tools
Besides the plugins available on our Sourceforge download page you can find a list of plugins on our Wiki PlugIn page. Furthemore basic install instructions are available.
Any thing you want to know more about? write us.