
The latest release is OpenJUMP 2.4.0 from the 15. January 2025. Download OpenJUMP 2.4.0 here.

Feel free to search past releases in our sourceforge files section.

There are Development Snapshots available too for those who don't want to wait for the next release.


...we help if we can

There exist different possibilities to get a question on OpenJUMP answered:
. If you have problems with OpenJUMP installation or use we recommend you to either use the User-Forum that allows also anonymous posts, or to use our xxxJUMP user-mailing list. Sending an email to the mailing list requires to have a Google account and then to subscribe to the mailing list.
. In case you are a developer and you have a question on development with OpenJUMP, we ask you to subscribe to the developer email list.
. Finally if you want report a bug or have suggestions for improvements we ask you to use our Bug-Tracker and the Feature-Request-Tracker. However before a feature requests is submitted it better to ask on the user list, if the function may exist already or if some developer has time for development.
. Some companies offer also professional support and custom development (see below).


. xxxJUMP User List
. xxxJUMP Developer List


. installation questions
. function questions
. plugin questions


. Bug Tracker
. Feature-Request Tracker
. Usabilty and Translation Improvement Requests


see our support list on the Wiki

Any thing you want to know more about? write us.