
The latest release is OpenJUMP 2.4.0 from the 15. January 2025. Download OpenJUMP 2.4.0 here.

Feel free to search past releases in our sourceforge files section.

There are Development Snapshots available too for those who don't want to wait for the next release.

OpenJUMP.participation easy and welcome ;)

Although OpenJUMP does not have all of the features of a proprietary GIS, the code that makes OpenJUMP work is available to all, and anything is possible given the time and effort. The OpenJUMP developer community welcomes newcomers, and embraces new ideas and revolutionary thinking. You don't need to be an experinced programmer to help advance the development of the program. We need assistance with a lot of non-technical tasks as well, ranging from the maintenance of the web page and wiki to help improving documentation.


How To Become A Developer: Are you interested in developing OpenJUMP or other software built on the OpenJUMP application? Please join the mailing list for our developers. You can subscribe here: JPP Development Mailing List. The mailing list is a great place to introduce yourself to the other developers and to ask questions. If you are interested in development of OpenJUMP we encourage you to sign up. We strive to be a welcoming and helpful community, and the mailing list will be a vital resource until more developer documentation is made available.

The JPP SourceForge Project: Potential developers will also want to check out the SourceForge project page for the JPP. The SourceForge project gives you access to features like SVN (where we have stored our code) and the bug tracker. If you have questions about how to do this, post a message on the mailing list(s) mentioned above. The SourceForge project page for the JPP can be found here: JPP SourceForge Page

Any thing you want to know more about? write us.

we stand on the shoulder of giants