
The latest release is OpenJUMP 2.4.0 from the 15. January 2025. Download OpenJUMP 2.4.0 here.

Feel free to search past releases in our sourceforge files section.

There are Development Snapshots available too for those who don't want to wait for the next release.


a bunch of enthusiast


What is the JUMP Pilot Project? The JUMP Pilot Project, or JPP, is an organization dedicated to the development of software solutions based on the open source GIS program JUMP. One of its main functions is to coordinate and encourage the cooperative development of technologies based on, or centered on OpenJUMP. It provides developers from aroung the world an opportunity to work together and avoid duplicated efforts. You can find information about the development of JUMP and related technologies on this web site. The main software platform being currently coordinated by the JPP is OpenJUMP. This is a version of the original JUMP being developed and maintained by a group of volunteer developers from aroung the globe.


The JUMP Pilot Project is supported by a number of private for-profit, and non-profit organizations. Each one of these organization willingly participates in the coordinated development of technologies based on the JUMP GIS Platform. Individuals from these member organizations make of the JPP Development Committee, which guides the development of OpenJUMP.

Volunteers Around the World: One of the things that makes the JPP and OpenJUMP unique is its global development community. Although orginally developed in Canada, OpenJUMP is now used around the world. Memebers of the development committee come from countries across North America, Europe, and Asia. There are several private companies and universities developing with OpenJUMP and the original JUMP code base.

lat/lon: lat/lon emerged from the GIS Working Group of Professor Dr. K. Greve at the Department of Geography of Bonn University. This working group was involved in projects involving the management and use of ditributed geospatial data since 1997. lat/lon offers innovativ products and services in the sector of spatial and internet-based information services. You can learn more about lat/lon here: lat/lon

The SurveyOS Project: The SurveyOS Project sponsors the development of open source technology and open standards for the Land Surveying/Geomatics and Civil Engineering professions. Its special focus is on encouraging mambers of both professions to take advantage of open source technology, and on developing software that makes this possible, pratical and affordable. You can learn more about the SurveyOS Projects here: The SurveyOS Project

The SkyJUMP Team: more info on Larry's GIS here SkyJUMP

Project Pirol: more info on the German project here PIROL

Project SIGLE: more info on the French project here Projet SIGLE

Intevation GmbH: more info on the company Intevation

Any thing you want to know more about? write us.